Front page news in the USA Today and the Columbus Dispatch newspapers this week reported the most recent CDC prediction for diabetes in America.
1). Diabetes may increase from the present rate if 1 in 10 to 1 in 3 persons over the next 40 years.
2). Presently there is about 200,000 diabetics in central Ohio
3). It is estimated that the number of diabetics in central Ohio will increase by 13,000 every 2 years
Most of the increase will be in Type II diabetes. Why?
1). Improved diabetic care is allowing diabetics to live longer
2). Earlier diagnosis
3). Growing minority populations
4). Increasing frequency of obesity
How can bariatric surgery help?
For those persons of size who develop type II diabetes, their diabetes is resolved 84% of the time after bariatric surgery. For those who were diagnosed with diabetes within the last 5 years the results are even better: 95% of patients will resolve their diabetes.
Although all bariatric operations can help to prevent diabetes, the best operation to resolve diabetes is a Roux en-Y Gastric Bypass. A Roux en-Y Gastric Bypass is the only operation that changes to patients hormonal situation to increase the amount of insulin the pancrease produces in response to carbohydrates.
Learn more about diabetes and bariatric surgery on other posts on this blog.
Our practice is available to help as many persons of size with diabetes who want to be helped.